Thought experiments with consciousness and unconsciousness

  • Fersht V.M.

    Fersht V.M. State University of Technologies and Management. Moscow. Russia


Thought  experiments  are  an  effective  auxiliary  resource  of  general  health  recovery  and treatment of any diseases. Recent studies of consciousness on functional MRI have shown that thought experiments also help stimulate successful solutions of the people problems. The article shows the connection of the psycho-philosophical concepts of the past and the innovative neuro-technologies of the present.
Earlier in the scientific and popular science literature, mental experiments with the unconscious or with its neuro-synonym “brain default state network” have never been published. But the phenomenon of the unconscious is closely related to the Niels Bohr’s complementarity principle and the Carl Jung’s principle of Synchronicity. Therefore, the author is inclined to consider this article as a thought experiment with the unconscious of his readers. The article is interesting to all those who are finding alternative ways of healing, as well as enjoy the unexpected forms of the mind game with their own consciousness and unconscious.

Keywords:  :  thought  experiment,  consciousness,  unconsciousness,  mind,  brain  default state network, health, luck, the principle of omplementarity, the principle of synchronicity, flow, Wu Wei, mindfulness, functional MRI.
